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About Lake Dr Real Estate in Georgina

Lake Dr is located in Georgina. Properties on Lake Dr consist of detached homes and freehold townhomes. There are currently 23 properties for sale on Lake Dr in Georgina ranging from $759,000 to $2,988,888.
Detached homes on Lake Dr in Georgina are situated on lots with an average frontage of 69' and a maximum frontage of 794', varying between 1 and 9 bedrooms. The highest price a detached home has ever been listed at on Lake Dr in Georgina is $6,588,000 and the highest price a detached home has ever sold for is $5,300,000. The most recent sale of a detached home occured on February 26, 2024. Detached homes on Lake Dr take on average of 47 days to sell.
Freehold townhomes on Lake Dr in Georgina are situated on lots with an average frontage of 24' and a maximum frontage of 80', varying between 2 and 5 bedrooms. The highest price a freehold townhouse has ever been listed at on Lake Dr in Georgina is $729,000 and the highest price a freehold townhouse has ever sold for is $770,000. The most recent sale of a freehold townhouse occured on December 2, 2021. Freehold townhomes on Lake Dr take on average of 41 days to sell.

Lake Dr Addresses

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183 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,998,000 CAD
2 baths
3 beds
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Location! Location! Dont Miss This Opportunity To Own Lovely Waterfront Property In One Of The Most Prestigious Areas At South Shores Of Lake Simcoe With Breathtaking Sunset Views, Crystal Clear Water And 96 Feet Wide Lakefront (Exclusive Use For Owners Only) With Tiki Bar, 2 Docks And Retaining...
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979 Lake Dr, Georgina
$759,000 CAD
3 baths
2+1 beds
Sutton & Jackson's Point Lake Dr
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Welcome to 979 Lake Drive East in Jackson's Point, Georgina. Step into your bright, move-in-ready sanctuary, nestled in the heart of this cozy lakeside community. Only steps from shops, restaurants, beaches, walking trails, The Briars Resort and Golf Club, Sibbalds Point Provincial Park, and the...
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17 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,273,000 CAD
1 baths
2 beds
Historic Lakeshore Communities Lake Dr
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Escape From The City Hustle To This Piece Of Paradise! Only 45 Min Drive From Toronto. Lakefront Charming 4-Season Home In A Sought After Area On South Shores Of Lake Simcoe. 50 Feet Of Waterfront With Private Extensive Permanent Dock And Lots Of Space For Outdoor Entertaining In Prime Swimming And...
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19 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,090,000 CAD
3 baths
3+1 beds
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Attention Developers or Investors, Prime Real Estate On Prestigious Lake Dr N, With Clear View of, And Access To, Lake Simcoe, On A Large Double, Corner Lot. Property Has Been Renovated Top to Bottom, New Laminate Flooring, Pot Lights, New Kitchens, New Washrooms, Newer A/C, Newer Furnace. Property...
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101 Lake Dr, Georgina
$949,999 CAD
4 baths
4+1 beds
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Your Year Round Getaway Awaits! Located In The Beautiful Lakeshore Community Of Orchard Beach, This Beautiful Home Has Everything You Need Including 4 + 1 Bedrooms, A Family Room And A Separate Living And Dining Room To Entertain, And A Large Backyard With Spacious Deck And Fire Pit! Situated...
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371 Lake Dr, Georgina
$2,199,500 CAD
2 baths
4 beds
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One Of The Nicest Waterfront Communities In Georgina, With 2 Road Frontages And Westerly Views And Access. This Flat Large Property Has Deeded Waterfront, With Secondary Paid Municipal Services At Lot Line On Metro Road, Allowing For Second Residence Or To Sever. This Charming Home, With Wrap...
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21 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,295,000 CAD
2 baths
3+1 beds
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Discover Your Dream Retreat At This Picturesque Cottage, Nestled On A Prime 55ft Indirect Waterfront Lot In The Lakeside Community Of Island Grove. Set Back From The Road And Surrounded By Mature Trees And Gardens, This Generous Corner Lot Is Perfect As Your Ideal Getaway Or Building Your Dream...
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920 Lake Dr, Georgina
$950,000 CAD
4 baths
2+1 beds
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Welcome to 920 Lake Dr E, Whether you're an investor looking to diversify your portfolio or an entrepreneur seeking a prime location for your business, this commercial building on historic Lake Dr E in Jacksons Point offers the perfect blend of heritage, versatility, and potential. Seize this...
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527 Lake Dr, Georgina
$2,499,000 CAD
3 baths
3+2 beds
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In the quiet enclave of Willow Beach, an exceptionally upgraded and renovated property that promises to captivate the senses. A picturesque haven that boasts a show-stopping waterfront, a 3.5-car insulated detached garage, and luxurious interiors that redefine the concept of home.Experience the...
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612 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,195,000 CAD
2 baths
5 beds
Keswick South Lake Dr
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Welcome to This Lovely 2 Story Home Situated On A Beautiful Direct Waterfront Property Ideally Situated In Keswick's South End Just Doors To Lake Simcoe. Offering Incredible Year-Round Recreational Opportunities This Home is Just Right For The Outdoor Enthusiast; Be It Boating, Fishing or...
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963 Lake Dr, Georgina
$789,000 CAD
4 baths
2 beds
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Well maintained executive freehold townhome close to amenities, beach, 3 golf courses & Lake Simcoe! Entering the front foyer, you'll find the bright & airy living room, perfect for relaxing or entertaining guests. The eat-in kitchen boasts an island with breakfast bar, handy prep sink and also...
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127 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,919,800 CAD
4 baths
4 beds
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Incredible Opportunity To Own Deeded Indirect Waterfront On Prestigious Lake Dr W/Prime Westerly Sunsets.The Lake Simcoe is celebrated for its rich fishing ecosystem, hosting species such as bass, trout, pike, and more. Whether you prefer fishing, ice fishing in winter, or a relaxing day on the...
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999 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,250,000 CAD
3 baths
5 beds
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Unique opportunity in the heart of Jacksons Point! Perfectly situated on the corner of Lake Dr E & Hedge Rd. This half-acre lot is an investor's dream! The charming town of Georgina has lots to offer including lake access, marinas, schools, public transportation, local shops, restaurants, and much...
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137 Lake Dr, Georgina
$2,378,800 CAD
2 baths
3+1 beds
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Longing to live on the lake? This is the lifestyle you have been longing for! Imagine sipping your morning coffee overlooking the water or enjoying a glass of wine at the end of the day on your private waterside Verandah. Enjoy breathtaking Sunsets all year round. Entertain friends in your...
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85 Lake Dr, Georgina
$2,200,000 CAD
3 baths
5 beds
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Only 30Min. Driving From GTA, Enjoy Your Lake Front Lifestyle! Private Year Round Dock For Park Your Boat,Swimming,Paddling,Ice Fishing. Rare To Find This Fully New Renovated, 5 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, Double Garage Detached House! 50X150 Ft Land, Super Wide Shoreline!Granite Counter Tops, Hardwood...
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708 Lake Dr, Georgina
$899,000 CAD
1 baths
2 beds
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Rarely Offer This Exclusive Waterfront Lake House. Direct Access To Lake Simcoe Thru Backyard Canal. Total New Renovation Top To Bottom. Minutes Away From 404. Excellent Year-Round Residence Or Cottage On Town Services With Gas Fireplace (Ebb Backup) Less Than One Hour From City. 20'X20' Shed (Old...
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33 Lake Dr, Georgina
$2,988,888 CAD
3 baths
3+1 beds
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Live the Dream!! This extraordinary home situated on beautiful Lake Simcoe offers a private oversized lot including 72ft of indirect waterfront and is located just 6 minutes to town. A Lindal cedar home featuring 17ft vaulted ceilings, full front floor to ceiling windows capturing endless natural...
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919 Lake Dr, Georgina
$2,649,900 CAD
4 baths
4+2 beds
( )
Welcome To Prestigious Eastbourne With North/Westerly Sunsets! This Recently Fully-Renovated Home Shows Pride Of Ownership With Tons Of Natural Light & Luxurious Finishing's Throughout. There Is A New, Large Front Porch To Enjoy Fabulous Water Views On Those Warm Summer Days, A Luxurious Kitchen...
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229 Lake Dr, Georgina
$2,399,000 CAD
3 baths
3+1 beds
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Welcome To The One You Have Been Waiting For Your Dream Indirect Waterfront Compound Featuring A 26'x28' Oversized Finished Garage With 2 Offices + 4-Piece Bath And A Irreplicable 25'x36' Dry Boathouse. Stepping Down To The Western Facing Waterfront You Will Find A Massive Sheltered L Shaped...
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141 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,899,000 CAD
3 baths
4 beds
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Prestigious Lake Drive address! Welcome to your lakeside sanctuary on Lake Drive! This newly built bungalow boasts over $175K in upgrades, including a modern galley kitchen and sleek design throughout. Enjoy open-concept living with tray ceilings, a fenced yard on 1/2 acres, and a spacious main...
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944 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,449,900 CAD
3 baths
2 beds
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Newly custom built mixed use property, 3 units total; 2 commercial, 1 residential. Potential High producing rental income. The building features extensive built-in cabinetry, Custom Windows and doors, HanStone Quartz countertops, tasteful finishes, customer street parking, separate heating and...
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147 Lake Dr, Georgina
$1,899,000 CAD
3 baths
4 beds
( )
Gorgeous Raised Bungaloft Design By A&T Homes Is Now Available. Situated On A Premium Size Property That Is Just Shy Of A 1/2 Acre The Home Overlooks Lake Simcoe & Backs Onto An Expansive Countryside View In A Community Of Fine Lakefront Residences Bringing Nature Right To Your Doorstep. This 2...
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477 Lake Dr, Georgina
$819,000 CAD
1 baths
2 beds
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Great Location, large lot , Amazing Bungalow In The Heart Of Keswick, The Whole House with Special Steel Roof. Close To School & Public Transit, Highway 404. Steps To Public Beach Area. Fridge, Oven, Dishwasher, Stacked Dryer & Washer, Furnace.
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